“This outfit is a masterpiece byGivenchy . What they made for me is just a miraculous piece of lioness meets her cub meets fierce-ocity meets fabulosity meets fashionista meets everything.”
“This is all my hair. At night, if I press a certain button, my hair grows up. I press another button, it activates the color in it.”
These are the words of the great and ferocious lioness, that is, NICKI MINAJ. Weird? Strange? Crazy? Of course, the whole outfit was. Caught your attention? That's what it's designed to do. And that's why I like it. I like things that turn heads. I like doing or suggesting things or seeing other people in a non-verbal language and just letting my or their pieces speak for itself. Now on to the next person--er---creature: LADY GAGA.

No one but LADY GAGA can do this. As a matter of fact, she's the only one who did this. Who would think of "walking above ground" on the red carpet in an egg? GaGa's spokesperson said that she is incubating and will not be born until the beginning of her performance (which was great, a crazed 'primitive' kind of setting).
Don't worry, GaGa wasn't suffocatin' in there. The egg was specially designed to actually help her, like some oxygen container thingy with a porthole in the back of the egg for ventilation. WOW. just WOW.
So there you have it. Two creatures that are beautiful ladies, totally different shapes, sizes, and color, but come from the same land.
Pic: Celebuzz
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