An interesting outdoor illusion painted on the barred-fence located somewhere in the streets of Mannheim. The artist behind this “constructive vandalism” goes under the name of ZebraThing.
Yes indeed-y, Beyonce and Jay-Z are an amazing couple because of how they run their relationship to avoid flax from the media, as well as HOW they handle the media according to business. As Beyonce moves forward with her album despite rumors of sluggish sales, Beyonce's camp assure that her latest album will debut as high as #1 in several countries all over the world.
Beyonce also has Jay-Z accompanying her in Paris; she's doing an early promo in the UK, which would (according to Necole B***hie) explain the correlation between the far higher anticipation of Beyonce in the UK and her starting her promo and tour early in the UK (same situation with Rihanna).
And may I add, BEYONCE LOOKS WAYY HOTT in that dress and 6-inch Louboutins... and fist bump to Jay-Z for keeping' it classic with his white Adidas shelltoes.
I am a huge FLOYD MAYWEATHER fan. My interest in this great boxer is well beyond his track record inside the ring. I like how Mayweather handles his swag--- his OSTENTATIOUS SWAG, might I add, and how he dresses himself. You can see for yourself in the pictures above and below.
Floyd Mayweather was at the press conference for that upcoming fight with Victor Ortiz, and he was wearing a subtle but still noticeable GUCCI cardigan for $795. He also wore a matching GUCCI polo shirt for about $300.
35-year-old Liu Bolin, from Shandong, China, manages to camouflage himself in any surroundings, no matter how difficult they might be.
One single photo takes up to 10 hours to prepare – Liu uses himself as a blank canvas, and with a little help from an assistant, he paints his body to merge as seamlessly as possible with what is behind him. The results are incredible – sometimes passers-by don’t even realize he is around until he moves.
The talented Liu Bolin says his art is a protest against the actions of the Government, who shut down his art studio in 2005 and persecutes artists. It’s about not fitting into modern society. Despite problems with Chinese authorities, Liu’s works are appreciated at an international level.